[업무 지식]/MySQL

[WITH 구문] 임시 테이블 생성

에디터 윤슬 2024. 10. 16. 15:15



# with 구문 활용 예시1 
with soso as  # with 뒤쪽에 임시테이블명 지정
(	select etc_str2, etc_str1, count(distinct game_actor_id)as actor_cnt 
	from basic.users
	group by etc_str2, etc_str1 # 임시테이블을 만들 때 활용할 테이블 
select *
from soso # WITH절에서 지정한 임시테이블명 


# with 구문 활용 예시2 - 경험치가 가장 많은 캐릭터 정보 조회하기 
with dodo as # with 뒤쪽에 임시테이블명 지정
(	select * 
	from basic.users
select *
from(	select max(exp)as maxexp
		from dodo
	)as a 
inner join
	(	select *
		from dodo
	)as b 
on a.maxexp=b.exp

# with 구문 활용 예시3 - 다중 with 구문  
with gogo as # 첫번째 with 절
(	select game_account_id, exp
	from basic.users 
	where `level` >50
hoho as # 두번째 with 절, with 구문은 처음 한번만 작성합니다. 
(	select distinct game_account_id, pay_amount, approved_at
	from basic.payment 
	where pay_type='CARD'
) # 이 부분에서 with 구문이 종료됩니다. 
select case when b.game_account_id is null then '결제x' else '결제o' end as gb
, count(distinct a.game_account_id)as accnt 
from gogo as a
left join hoho as b
on a.game_account_id=b.game_account_id
group by case when b.game_account_id is null then '결제x' else '결제o' end