[업무 지식]/MySQL
[UNION] Count Salary Categories
에디터 윤슬
2024. 11. 7. 09:17
Write a solution to calculate the number of bank accounts for each salary category. The salary categories are:
"Low Salary": All the salaries strictly less than $20000.
"Average Salary": All the salaries in the inclusive range [$20000, $50000].
"High Salary": All the salaries strictly greater than $50000.
The result table must contain all three categories. If there are no accounts in a category, return 0.
Return the result table in any order.
The result format is in the following example.
select 'Low Salary' as category,
sum(case when income < 20000 then 1 else 0 end) as accounts_count
from accounts
select 'Average Salary' as category,
sum(case when income between 20000 and 50000 then 1 else 0 end) as accounts_count
from accounts
select 'High Salary' as category,
sum(case when income > 50000 then 1 else 0 end) as accounts_count
from accounts
- category 컬럼을 새로 생성: 원하는 '지정' 컬럼이 있다면 새로 생성
- 원하는 값만 case when 구문으로 작성하여 해당하면 1, 해당하지 않으면 0을 입력해 합을 구함
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